Scots Association /


This page contains information and advice for serving soldiers and their families.  It provides information on the assistance available from the Regiment and other charities.

The larger service charities as well as providing direct assistance, can sign post those in need to a range of specialist service and non-service support, Local Authorities and Government Agencies.

Our History
Our History

Health, performance & Wellbeing

The Royal Regiment of Scotland will ensure that our people are supported to perform to the best of their abilities, becoming more resilient and prepared for persistent engagement.

Follow the links below to find more information:

We are committed to supporting you and your family, wherever your career takes you.

Family Support


The Families Hub offers useful signposting to all Regular and Reserve personnel and families - from the moment of joining the Forces through to leaving. Discover information, support and guidance to help you manage various aspects of service life as a family.

Families Hub Link


The Army offers a wide range of welfare service for its Regular, Reserve, civilian and contractor personnel. This ranges from financial, medical, wellbeing and family support. The links below provide further information on the options available including Unit Welfare Support, Army Welfare Service and Army related charities. In the case of an emergency, please contact 999 in the first instance or if you experience a serious illness or death in your family, you should call the Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre (JCCC) on 01452 519951.

Serving personnel and their families should always contact their Unit Welfare Officer (UWO) in the first instance if they have a welfare issue. The UWOs and their teams have the experience and expertise to help, and most problems can be resolved quickly and efficiently. The serving community is also catered for by the Army Welfare Service (AWS) and numerous service charities, Poppyscotland (Scotland based personnel), The Royal British Legion (TRBL) and SSAFA. Your UWO will be able to guide you in the event of these organisations being required in helping you resolve your welfare issue.

The Regimental Welfare Team in RHQ SCOTS work in support of the Battalions and Unit Welfare Officers, helping when required.  We play a part in ensuring the successful transition of those soldiers who are Wounded, Injured and Sick (WIS) in the support of Personnel Recovery Units (PRUs) and the Battalions. RHQ source and provide additional funding outwith the MOD to help WIS personnel settle into civilian life.

The Regiment is determined to provide the best welfare support possible to the families of those injured or killed as a result of their service and families are strongly encouraged to contact the Regimental Welfare Officer if they find they require assistance of any sort.

Welfare Support
Our History

Transition Aide Memoire

The Transition Aide Memoir offers information and advice prior to and after leaving regular service. The TAM contains information about signing off, finding a job, managing your money, finding somewhere to live and resettlement, learning and development.

Transition Aide Memoire

Welfare Support

What you need to do to sign off
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Mental Health

Helping you figure out what is next for you and your career
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Transition Aide Memoire

All the ways to use your money efficiently
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This will help you tick off the things you need to do if you are moving to a new area
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Helping you to do some research and simplify the process
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Guidance on the resettlement process and learning opportunities on offer
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