Scots Association /


It aims to foster and promote esprit de corps, comradeship and Regimental interest amongst serving, and former soldiers of the Regiment of all ranks, including the Reserves and Army Cadet Force units of or associated with the Regiment. It maintains the link between the Regiment, our wider family, and our communities. The SCOTS Association is organised and governed as set out in the diagram below.

The day you join The Royal Regiment of Scotland you become a life-long member of the Association. The SCOTS Association exists to provide a lifetime of belonging and support to our serving members and our veterans.

Constitution and Rules

The SCOTS Association Constitution and Rules can be downloaded using the link below. It states how the Association is to be governed and managed for the benefit of the Regiment.


Strategic Principles

  1. Pride. We will always reflect our pride in the Regiment, in today’s serving soldiers and in our Association.
  2. Excellence. We will always strive to do things the right way, guided by the unique glory and ethos of the Regiment.
  3. Support. We will always seek to support the Regiment and the Association.
  4. Friendship. We will always value our shared service and heritage with mutual respect, regardless of rank held or time served. 
  5. Honour. We will always honor our heritage and our fallen comrades.

Main Effort

To encourage the formation of branches and networks of the Association.  To build momentum in support of this objective, the strategic main effort will be increasing the number of members actively involved in the Association.


Following the publication of the Regimental strategy the President wrote a strategy for the Association in support. Its publication, the allocation of funds and the Exec Cttee will enable the Association to build on the good work of the current regional branches. The key components of the strategy are stated below:


The purpose of the Association is to promote and sustain comradeship among all elements of the Regimental family.


To generate an environment where all members of the Regimental family feel happily at home.  We want the Association to be the bedrock of identity, comradeship, and pride that supports the Royal Regiment of Scotland as the standard for others to follow.