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A Message from the Colonel of the Regiment

A message from Major General Robin Lindsay CBE, Colonel of the Regiment


As we approach Christmas I wanted to write and thank you for striving to deliver on our Regimental vision: to be the standard for others to follow. This has been a remarkable year in which the Regiment has continued to deliver on operations at home and overseas. The performance of those serving in our battalions, those serving externally, and the support we receive from Regimental Headquarters and our wider Regimental community has, in general terms, been first class. You have all earned a rest after plenty of hard graft. But as we approach this festive period, I know that for some December and January can be difficult and so as a family regiment, I’d encourage you all to reach out to your comrades in arms in a supportive manner and ‘check-in’.


Having had the honour of being the Colonel of Regiment for just over six months, I’d reflect on how well founded we are as a Regiment. As we approach our 20th anniversary in 2026, we can reflect that we are a regiment formed in the crucible of campaigning in Iraq and Afghanistan and operating across the globe. Equally we are a Regiment founded on the great service of our antecedents. We as a Regiment have established another chapter in our collective history and this shapes our identity. So, while we take forward the heritage of our antecedents as flames rather than as dust, our strength is equally in the service, sacrifice, and utter professionalism that you and your predecessors in our SCOTS battalions have consistently demonstrated.


I hope you can all enjoy a well-earned rest over the festive period and together with all at Regimental Headquarters, I wish you and your families the happiest of holidays and a very Merry Christmas.